Policy on Handling of Good Till Cancelled! Good Till Triggered Orders of Clients
Introduction: GTT is a feature which allows you to set a trigger price, such that; if your trigger
price is hit at a future date, an order will be placed on the exchange as per the limit / market
price and preset conditions set by you.
The parameters for placing a GTT order are as below:
- Order Validity: GTT order will be valid for a period of 365 days for Equity (including MTF)
ntil contract expiration for F&O orders.
- Trigger Validity: One time till order is placed on the exchange.
- Corporate action handling: No handling will be done by SIHL and the clients need to
monitor and will be solely responsible for effect on prices and triggers based on stock /
underlying specific corporate actions. Clients shall review their GTT orders proactively
whenever there may be an impact of corporate action on their order/s. It would be the
responsibility of the client to take appropriate action to modify / cancel orders
- All upcoming corporate actions including dividend, bonus, split, etc. shall be intimated
to clients having unexecuted GTT orders at least one day prior to the ex-date of the
corporate action.
- Execution Price - Can be at market or limit as per the order set. For market order in
derivatives, the order is placed as a limit order with market protection to avoid
execution at extreme prices. When using GTT with limit price, there is no guaranteed
execution as the LTP could have the order is placed post trigger.
- Orders cap: A maximum of 200 open GTT orders (across all exchanges and segments)
can be placed by the client at any given point of time.
- Charges: There are no additional charges for placing a GTT order. Standard brokerage
rates will apply for executed GTT orders.
- Margin Availability: No funds / margin is blocked when placing a GTT order. Funds /
margin is required when the trigger price is hit. If sufficient margin is not there at the
time of trigger, the order placement may fail.
- Once a GTT is triggered, if the order is placed outside of the contract's / underlying /
stock's "execution range", it may be canceled by the exchange. Any cost incurred due to
such cancellation of an order placed outside the execution range is liable to be paid by
the client.
- If a GTT is triggered for an option contract that isn't allowed for trading by SIHL, for any
reason, the order may be rejected.
- The responsibility of checking for a pending Gil order for a scrip / underlying / contract
before placing any new order(s) for the same is on the client.
- GTT orders will be triggered as per the price available on any of the Exchange i.e. NSE or BSE.
No Liability for Any Non-Execution or Any Lost Opportunity: SIHL, at all times, bears no liability
towards the client for any reason whatsoever with respect to using the GTT Feature; including
but not limited to, non-execution of any order using the GTT Feature / either leg of the order,
any opportunity loss for non-execution of such orders / trades, any cancellation or nonplacement of any orders, and any such other claims which may arise from the client with
respect to using the Gil feature.
This Policy may be removed/modified/replaced at any point of time by SIHL without providing
any prior notification to clients. It is the client's responsibility to review the same and available
on the website https://www.sihl.in/downloads/Policy